Your Frying Pan is Killing You Slowly

Frying is definitely a common practice, and to be honest there’s an amazing taste that fried food has crunchiness. But what if I told you that frying or burning oil changes its molecular structure making it poisonous, would you still enjoy that crunchy chicken or deep-fried potato wedges?   I had…

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I Want It Now!

Instant gratification is the need to satisfy certain wants immediately without thinking of the outcome or consequences to follow after undertaking an action. Instant gratification is rampant and common in our generation and needs attention.  Most young people develop this habit while in Campus, here you get to meet a…

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The Question of Life

Someone recently asked me. ‘What’s your end game?. Before that question, I had a plan all laid out [or so I thought]. I was going to master my crafts I was going to be disciplined, I was going to listen to my parents and elders, and most of all I…

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