Believe me or not, but its true, and I am a victim of the same.
Mobile phones have taken away all our family happiness, these days we spend more time on our phones than with our families, even when you’re from work at night, you won’t have time with your kids or wife, you’ll be busy sending requests in social media or playing candy crush, that’s how bitter it is to our kids, you don’t give them time to hear from them, you don’t make stories with them.
But if you happen to create that limited time to be with them, you will have to pick that call from a friend when he/she calls, but what about if you were at work? I guess you would have ended the call or give a response that you’re still busy, why not while you’re with your family?
Our kids are these days immoral because we don’t have time to speak to them,
Let me give you a story,
One day a friend of mine who is a primary school teacher gave his pupils a composition to write, about #My Wish.
Here is the composition;
My Wish
My parents love smartphones very much, they care about their smartphones so much that sometimes they forget to care
When my father comes home from work tired, he has time for his smartphone but not for me.
When my parents are doing some important work and phone rings, they will answer it right away, but they will not answer me..even when I’m crying.
They play games on their phones but not with me.
When they are talking to someone on their phones, they never listen to me, even if I’m telling them something important.
So my wish is to be a
I was really touched by this story because I am a victim and I know we are all victims of the same. Let us not sacrifice our family and relationships over the pursuit of nature.
Smartphones are here to make our lives easier but not to control us and make us addicted. It is not too late to return to your family life, back to the old days when we didn’t have the Internet and phone games
Take Time and make stories with your kids, your bae, your spouse and set a good example for them.
These days we value material things more than even our own life, why?technology is really taking over the world, I want to give you an assignment, go look for a movie by the name ‘Upgrade‘ take your time and watch it to the end, you will see how technology is
Ask yourself what you really want in life, taking happy family/relationship or a wonderful material life.
Make your choice now and do it .