Given that the only real medical experience I have is from a couple of Gray’s Anatomy episodes that I watched under the influence of caffeine. Well, in reality, I have read a lot of medical books and I aced my bio exam but I am not a good medical reference.…
Mention AI and what comes to mind are images from your favourite Sci-Fi movie which has a super smart computer that behaves like a human. We all have our own notions of how AI is. The question is, “Just how much like a human can a machine be?” My definition…
Kenyans spend or more accurately squander hundreds of millions of shillings monthly gambling, mostly through sports betting and jackpots, TV/radio lotteries and less commonly in casinos. This is a great shame on our nation. The jackpots and TV/radio lotteries methodically present stupendous amounts of money to be won, which makes…
Geeks, the people you bully in school and then end up working for. At least that’s the generation description. Geeks (lovers of the Internet, comics and keepers of the wisdom of computers) have always been there especially since hippie culture. Ask anyone about geeks and they’ll give you the general…
Recently, a friend of mine said, “it is very hard to convince the young generation of the benefits of education when their relatives are highly unsuccessful academics”. That got me thinking about what truly is the main cause of the situation we’re in as a country. True, the education system…
Having been brought up by a Kenyan mum, bargaining is one art I have witnessed over and over again. “Every shilling counts”, that’s what my mum used to and still tells me. If you were born in the 20th century, I’m sure you’ll concur with my allegation that our parents…