Someone recently asked me. ‘What’s your end game?. Before that question, I had a plan all laid out [or so I thought]. I was going to master my crafts I was going to be disciplined, I was going to listen to my parents and elders, and most of all I…

Someone recently asked me. ‘What’s your end game?. Before that question, I had a plan all laid out [or so I thought]. I was going to master my crafts I was going to be disciplined, I was going to listen to my parents and elders, and most of all I…
Social media and internet forums function as an important space of contestation for issues relating to queer identities. This is evident in reactions to two fairly recent queer-themed African films, one from South Africa – Inxeba/The Wound – and the other from Kenya – Rafiki. The films were met with diverse responses, from…
Certified Managers Bill: The recent publication of a Parliamentary Bill to establish the Institute of Certified Managers (ICM) has rekindled the longstanding debate on whether or not management is a profession. And if it is, does it warrant formation of both a professional body and an examinations board? For an…
But what does that mean for the local musicians, podcasters, and music-centric businesses? Spotify, the largest audio streaming subscription platform, which is partly owned by two of the three biggest music record labels — Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment, has expanded to 80+ new markets. The new markets…
Universities have a long history of operating in environments that are unstable, disruptive and unpredictable. They’ve endured political upheavals, financial crises and disruptive trends such as digital transformation and globalisation. They’ve had to respond to demands for greater access, life-long learning and multiple competing demands from students, society, the state,…
Last week I went shopping for exactly one item. I held a hundred shillings in my hand because I was certain of the price. I walked into the estate supermarket. NB: This is a chain that, on more than one occasion, has listed a different price on the shelf from…
International rankings of universities are big business and big news. These systems order universities on the basis of a variety of criteria such as student to staff ratio, income from industry, and reputation as captured through public surveys. Universities around the world use their rankings as marketing material and parents and…
Hip hop is many things. Most recently is has become more of commodity, a commercial venture, but it has always been and remains a global culture that represents local realities. It speaks about where one is from – through rap lyrics, DJing, graffiti or breakdancing – by incorporating local slang,…
In one of his regular coronavirus press conferences, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe told Kenyans that “If we continue to behave normally, this disease will treat us abnormally.” This quotation has since become a mantra that people use in various platforms to warn others on real or imagined social challenges. Notwithstanding…
Employers, employees and the general public are today (June 6, 2020) eagerly waiting for the government to either loosen the current coronavirus-related restrictions or extend them for another period. Forward-looking employers must have put in place health and safety measures to ensure that returning employees would feel safe at work.…