Kyle Kashuv, Harvard University and the ‘N’ Word

“...But the human tongue is a beast that few can master. It strains constantly to break out of its cage, and if it is not tamed, it will run wild and cause you grief.” Unknown.

I couldn’t agree less with these words! Time and again we have been asked to think twice before speaking, this should be your mantra whenever you feel the urge to say anything.

Well, one man fell victim to words when the Harvard University rescinded his admission over racist comments made in the past.

Kyle Kashuv is an American activist and survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018.  Several of Kashuv’s classmates complained on social media and to the press regarding Kashuv’s use of inflammatory and racist comments, including racial slurs, such as nigger, against African-Americans. Kashuv was accused by his classmates of hypocrisy when he criticized Bill Nye for using vulgarities in a skit regarding climate change on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver(Nye had declared: “The planet’s on fucking fire!”), stating that Nye “looked like a joke.” Screenshots of a Google Doc for a class study guide showed Kashuv writing “Nigger” multiple times, discussing “Jewish slaves”, and declaring that he would “fucking make a CSOG map of Douglas and practice” (in a supposed reference to the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive shooter game and Stoneman Douglas High School). Text messages reportedly showed Kashuv rating a female student “7/10” and stating that she “goes for niggerjocks.” Kyle Kashuv rose to prominence after having survived the shooting at his School in Florida. While some of his classmates went on to become gun reform activists on the left, Kashuv took a different course. A self-described political conservative, the 18-year-old met with US President Donald Trump, took a job at the right-wing Turning Point USA and spoke at a National Rifle Association conference.

‘Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made nearly two years ago, months prior to the shooting.’ Tweeted Kashuv.

The announcement drew widespread debate: Some praised Harvard’s decision to stand up against racism, others said Kashuv should not be so harshly punished for comments he made as a 16-year-old and since denounced. Some conservatives said the decision was a pretext to punish a student who held politically incorrect views on gun control.

Kashuv sent an apology to Harvard saying he regretted the “idiotic and hurtful things” he had written. He also said he was “determined to take whatever steps are necessary to rectify this past wrong and to reassure Harvard of my commitment to values of tolerance, diversity and inclusion.” Kashuv also wrote a letter to its Office of Diversity and Inclusion, but the school stood firm in nixing his acceptance. Despite Mr. Kashuv’s apologies, Harvard University does not intend to forgive and forget which according to some netizens is ironical in the fact that Harvard University, which has a history of racism and a history of anti-Semitism used quotas to limit the number of Jewish students at their school for many years.

There is irony in the fact that Harvard University, which has a history of racism and a history of anti-Semitism — for many years they used quotas to limit the number of Jewish students at their school — is now saying that there is no room for forgiveness. His comments, make no mistake, were reprehensible, but Harvard is in many ways saying that there is no room for students to change and to grow. Further, just two years ago, Harvard revoked the admission of I believe 10 students who were caught using racial and homophobic language on a Facebook page. In 2017, the university rescinded the admissions of at least 10 teens for having sent sexually explicit and racist comments and memes in a private Facebook chat.

The issue has sparked mixed reactions with different people sharing their opinions on the internet. Here are a few:

@KarenHeathAlle2; Are you saying that you are upset that Harvard, as an institution, HAS evolved & is now excluding bigots? Harvard is one of the most competitive colleges in the world & doesn’t owe anyone additional chances for growth, even those who feel entitled to it.

@tiahtaco; are we supposed to feel bad for you? a whole racist? I have to laugh.

@argylelunchbox; You said these things 2 years ago. 2017. Trump was already in office. The women’s march had just happened. The guy was dragged out of the United airlines plane. This is fucking recent. Your views and thoughts have changed since then? What is different about your environment now?

@HotDad1998; A lot of people talking about this Harvard controversy with Kyle Kashuv, but I’m still more focused on the first Harvard controversy, which is that it sucks ass

Well there you heard it folks, watch what you say and remember, the internet never forgets.

Let us know what you think of the case, should Kyle Kashuv get a second chance from Harvard University?

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