We all need that moment of the lone wolf in our lives. That moment to identify our own directions. When that moment comes, which it shall, we need to be bold and face it alone.

This is the time we reflect and seek the answers to the question “Who am I?”.

Living through someone other than yourself is taking away your freedom.

Creating space and freedom is a learning step carved from loneliness which indicates your important needs are not being achieved. We can never ever gain the life we want as well our security from anybody else but ourselves.

Quite often we allow people we feel intimidated by, people we respect, people we look up to, our idols, to dictate our pace, directions and most importantly how we live our lives.

We succumb consciously or unconsciously to pressures around us and let go of our independence. We do not make our own decisions. We gravely give away our most precious gift from God, “our lives”. In most cases we do not believe in ourselves to do the right thing, we sheepishly destroy our confidence by thinking we will never get it right. Everyone has confidence. The one you feel intimidated by has unearthed his/hers. We only need to dig ours out.

Steve Jobs said “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice” believe in yourself, let your abilities prevail, happiness won’t be yours if you don’t believe in you.

We need to be careful of people who tell us how to live our lives. Be careful of people that think and feel they know better about your life. True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what is truly right.

“It takes nothing to join the crowd; it takes everything to stand alone.” Hans F. Hansen

Standing alone can be an incredibly difficult lone path but there is nothing better than knowing you standing for your own self.


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