To know your inner self – requires truth and hard work.

It can be confusing and very demoralizing since you will have to be very open to ideas and change.

Meeting the expectation of others, turning your back on values you believe in and giving up on principles you hold dear may seem as the easiest road; but this is quite the opposite.

I call it survival.

It is adapting to situations of the environment you find yourself in. Let us remember, that although survival may rely on mental strength and intelligence, being open to ideas and change is what gives birth to adaptability.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin, couldn’t have said it better.

Sometimes we need a propellant to adapt. This is to say, dire situations drives that need. Don’t hold back.

Take that step in a new direction. It is never too late to switch course. If the road is leading nowhere, pull over, clear your head, think it through, find a new road and make the U-turn.

There will always be light at the end of the tunnel.


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