Following our business ideas generation, yesterday August 8, I shared a skills-based business idea, which is converting a skill into a business opportunity this can be building websites as a side hustle, painting, deejaying or playing the piano at a wedding.

The second method used in generating business ideas is the need-based method. According to Business Dictionary, a need is a motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age group to age group) satisfied by necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast, wants (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. See also Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

For living purposes, human beings need some of the following items:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Shelter
  • Health
  • Communication
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Security etc

EXERCISE: Get Your Hands Dirty

From the needs listed above, state at least two kinds of businesses you can possibly start for your side hustle.

EXAMPLES: Opportunities

  • Clothing – online clothing outlet, online designers’ shoe outlet. This would be as easy as setting up a Facebook page and setting up a shop hence giving visibility of your products to the millions of Facebook users. Check out Campus Radio’s shop
  • Education – online bookshop, publishing books for sale.
  • Food – start supplying onions, this would involve waking up early and heading to Gikomba supplying the onions and preparing for office.
  • Transport – if you have enough capital, purchase a second-hand vehicle and register as an Uber driver. Alternatively, if you have a car after 5 pm turn on Uber and earn additional income.

Share more ideas that you may have in the comment section, I will respond to any question that you may have. Make a date every morning on the Campus Radio Breakfast at 6 AM – 10 AM as the show engages entrepreneurs as well as sharing more ideas on side hustles.

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