Global Food Security Strategy India – ag tech challenge broad agency announcement US Agency for International Development, US

This enables participants to co-create, co-design, co-invest and collaborate on research and development interventions to address development challenges for food and nutrition security in Asia. Grants are worth between USD 1 million and USD 3m each.


Improving implementation of seek, test, treat and retain strategies among people who inject drugs in low- to middle-income countries (R01 clinical trial required) NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US

This supports developing and testing implementation approaches that scale-up evidence-based interventions in low- to middle-income countries among people who inject drugs where they form an important component of the national HIV epidemic.

Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum project period is five years.


Rutherford Fund strategic partner grants Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, GB

These support institutions in delivering a dynamic programme of research fellowships for early career researchers with the aim of attracting global talent and strengthening the UK’s research base.

Proposals must be for at least £50,000 and up to £150,000.


Excell African health researcher excellence and leadership programme Medical Research Foundation, GB

This aims to enhance research capacity in global health by enabling African researchers to build their research careers, gain funding and collaborate internationally.

Funding is worth €10,000 per project. Costs related to travel, subsistence, training materials, teaching, conferences, workshops and online learning will also be covered.


Young independent researcher groups Austrian Science Fund, AT

This supports international teams of young researchers in all scientific disciplines, especially in the humanities and social and cultural sciences.

Funding is worth up to €500,000 per year, over up to four years.


King Baudouin African development prize King Baudouin Foundation, BE

This supports innovative development initiatives in Africa that have improved the quality of life and enable local communities to be involved in their own development. The prize is worth €200,000.


Competitive start fund – international entrepreneurs Enterprise Ireland, IE

This supports overseas start-up companies active in the manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors, including internet, games, apps, mobile, software as a service, cloud computing, enterprise software,
life sciences, fintech, food, cleantech and industrial products.

Grants are worth up to €50,000 each.

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