It seems law students are really bad at tests …how bad? well, a report shows that out of 16,086 students who sat the Bar examinations to administered by Council of Legal Education (CLE) between 2009 and 2016, 8,549 or 53% failed with only 7,530 passing.
The Business Daily quotes the report as saying, “Unfortunately, while the number of graduates has increased there have been concerns about deterioration in the quality, professional capacity, and competence of these graduates as they transition into practitioners,”
The report notes that the students who failed are from local universities with Kenyatta University leading with 30%, Moi University 22%, University of Nairobi 20% and the rest of the universities sharing a combined 28%.
The report points out that 5,298 students who failed bar exams are employed by law firms, county governments, and universities among others.
Failing means they can’t act in the High Court.
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