Nearly a month after the fresh students reported to their various institutions, The Higher Education Loans Board is yet to disburse loans to them which many claim that it has inconvenienced them forcing them to borrow money for upkeep.

Higher Education loans Board said that, it had only managed to release loans to half the number of students and that it was still processing the loans for the rest of the students.

The chief executive officer Charles Ringera said in a statement that they have disbursed loans to 32,606 students out of the budgeted 64,400. Ringera said the amount disbursed totals to Sh 1.45 billion.

The delay has seen several students taking to the streets especially those from Moi University who were protesting the delay claiming they were being inconvenienced and wanted the issue resolved.

At the Helb offices at anniversary towers Nairobi, the ques are long as students are still submitting their application forms, while others are there for inquiries on the delay.

Ringera further added that, 165,256 continuing students have already received loans amounting to Sh 7.07 billion, and that payments are on going on as per the various university calendars.

The late payments contradicts Helb’s assurance to students early last month that they would have the money in their accounts by mid-September.

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