Kenya is a definition of what I would term as a collapsing nation. Well as much as we are trying to maintain the economy and even being amongst the nations embracing the blue economy that will see the proper use of our oceans and lakes, Kenya is still grasping under the harsh claws of corruption.

That aside. Kenya as a nation is generally vested by a strong epidemic “the wicked ordeal a phrase I largely borrowed from a cultural class that was looking into the human-made cultures destroying many. It’s one deeply rooted lifestyle. You might think it is a hierarchical system especially when it comes to the government.

But an evil so big and open why can’t we destroy it? Just like humans need oxygen to survive, corruption is one of those DNA rubber stamped in our communities and nation at large as it’s accelerated by “virtue” of tribalism.

Strange enough even the judiciary has not been able to punish the corrupt officials and even our legislative laid back because all of them still hold public office even after billions of shillings disappearing in their time. The N.Y.S saga that’s actually a series of episodes watched and appreciated by many. “If the head is involved then it’s hard to cut the tail”

But technology is one amazing crisis manager. The invention and use of a tech corruption guard will save many nations from the hands of selfish and corrupt leaders. A drone was launched specifically to fight corruption. US has proved it to being effective. “The sky eye” should worry any corrupt official Peleschuk, D (2018). An innovation of a drone that will keep an eye on national government.

The operation spans just a few minutes from the ground whirling its way over the elite officials’ gated community especially for those who own properties with an estimation value far exceeding the funds disclosed in their declaration. The drone collects photos and video evidence of the lawn then returns safely and quietly back to the police.

Proven to have worked. (2016) in Kyrgyzstan, Investigative website Kloop.or used the drone to capture images of the former president Almazbek Atambayev’s palatial compound with a 3 story manor and gazebos on the outskirts of Bishkek, which would have been impossible to build with his officially declared wealth of $111,000 in 2015. “Sometimes it seems like the drones were developed exactly for this purpose,” says Butko.

We need a tech corruption guard here in Kenya to sweep out all the corrupt officials feeding on the sweat and daily hard struggles of taxpayers in Kenya. Again will it be accepted? Because many of us are corrupt.

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